Stanfield Municipal Court
The Stanfield Municipal Court is the judicial branch of city government. The court has the authority to hear a wide range of cases arising under Oregon law and the Stanfield Municipal Code.
Municipal Judge
The Honorable Judge
Rose Emerson
Court Clerk/Assistant Utility Clerk
Nikki McCann
Phone: (541) 449-3831
Fax: (541) 449-1828
Email: [email protected]
Jim Matlack
Stanfield Municipal Court Location
Stanfield Municipal Court
PO Box 369
160 S. Main Street
Stanfield, OR 97875
Court is held every Wednesday afternoon starting at 2:00 p.m.
If you have questions about a ticket, court date, or anything else concerning the Stanfield Municipal Court, contact the Court Clerks.
If you have received a traffic citation in Stanfield or Echo, you will need to decide how you wish to plead. You may enter a plea of:
- Not Guilty if you wish to contest the charge against you and go to trial, or
- No Contest if you do not want to contest the charge but would like to provide an explanation for the violation and/or
see if you are eligible to get the fine lowered or enter a Diversion Program.
You may enter your plea in one of four ways:
- By mail, following the instructions on the back of the citation; or
- With the Court Clerk in person at Stanfield City Hall; or
- By appearing in court at the time of your court date, which is listed on your citation; or
- By entering a plea via email at [email protected].
If you have a question about your guilt or innocence you should speak with an attorney. Oregon law prohibits court staff from providing legal advice.
Court clerks can provide you with information about entering a plea, making a payment, requesting a court trial, and other court procedures, rules and practices. However they are prohibited by law (ORS 9.160) from giving legal advice
- Speculating about how the judge might decide your case;
- Advising you what to say in court or in court forms; or
- Recommending one procedure or form over another.
The court accepts cash, checks, money orders and VISA, MasterCard and Discover Card for payment of fines. Payment is not accepted over the telephone.
- If you wish to pay your fine by mail, please make your check or money order payable to the City of Stanfield, include the citation number on the check or money order, and attach your traffic citation. You may also submit a written explanation if you wish. If you decide to plead no contest by regular mail, you must submit the full presumptive fine amount for each violation on your citation.
- If you wish to pay your fine online, you will be required to plead via email (at [email protected]) during that process.
If you want to appear before a judge on a traffic citation or ordinance violation, you must appear at your scheduled arraignment. The specific date and time for your appearance are stated on the front of the citation or summons, located at the bottom left.
All court dates, arraignments, hearings and trials are conducted on Wednesdays. Court is held at 2:00pm. You will need sign in with the court clerk.
The court conducts marriage ceremonies by prior arrangement only. Couples must have a valid marriage license and
bring two witnesses. For more information, please contact the court at 541-449-3831.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this site does not constitute legal advice. It is offered for your information
only. While we make every effort to provide reliable information, there is no guarantee as to its accuracy. For legal advice specific to your situation, contact your lawyer or call the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636.